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Tired All The Time Health Check

GP Consultation and Blood Tests to investigate Tiredness and Fatigue

253 British pounds

Service Description

Are you feeling Tired All The Time? The Tired All The Team Health Check comprises an initial GP consultation, key personal health measurements and blood testing for 47 biomarkers targeted at the most common causes of tiredness, fatigue and low energy. Dr Kinnear will assess you for the four key health pillars of food & drink, movement, sleep, and rest/relaxation, and he will take a range of personal health measurements including: height weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference, Hip Circumference, Waist/Hip Ratio, Pulse, Blood Pressure, and Oxygen Saturation. You will then have blood taken to assess 47 key biomarkers targeted to detect the commonest biological causes for tiredness, fatigue and low energy, including Iron Status, Vitamin D level and Thyroid Hormone function.

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